Sunday, December 5, 2010

Its been a long time.

Its been forever since I've sat down to blog. I was introduced to Tumblr and like it better. There I can say everything I need to with pictures instead of words. I'm not so good with words. I feel like no one actually reads this. I feel like no one cares to read it because I ramble about Ryan 98% of the time. He has just become such a big part of my life. I feel like I'm way too dependent on him. Its a disaster waiting to happen. Ugh, I'm talking about him again.
Nothing exciting has happened in my life. Things have gotten really monotonous. Even though it can be boring, theres just something comforting about a routine. However, im all for a little excitement if someone wants to throw some my way. Though excitement to me is not what other people my age consider exciting. I dont mean drinking and drugs. What I mean is someone to come over and have a movie marathon with me, coloring, building with legos, and going on some sort of adventure.
So Saturday I have Christmas with the Baker clan. I miss them terribly. But I dont want to have to deal with my dad. No, im sorry, my sperm donor, Wade. He lost the title of my father when he showed how big of an ass he is. I want to tell him to grow a pair and start being a father to my younger brothers. I dont want them to lose the relationship with him that I had to lose. I want them to always be daddys little boys. But im afraid he has already damaged their relationship. I wish he knew how to be a decent father and husband at the same time instead of just being a husband to that witch.

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