Friday, June 11, 2010

Rants are wonderful;

Its summer and all I do all summer is sit here doing nothing
I eat 10 times more then I should, but I dont care
I should care because I need to keep weight for weightlifting
But I have time to work out
I say I will, but I know I wont
I have a fear of gettig fat
But its not bad enough to turn into an eating disorder
I love food and eating wayyy too much
Though I used to say I loved myself too much to even consider harming myself
But thats a different story
Anyways, there was a point in all of this
Since I have no life I read other peoples blogs
So I can see how thier life is
After reading some peoples, heres some stuff I have to say

Drugs-Dont make you cool. They are super gross and can really mess a person up. Getting high may make you feel on top of the world for a little, but in the end what do you really get out of it? You become addicted. You let drugs lead your life. What kind of life is that?

Drinking-Why cant people just wait until they are 21? Its really not that big of a deal. Its only a few years. Drinking compromises your thinking. You do things drunk you may very well regret sober. Im not trying to preach here but its just so stupid.

Cutting-When I see that people are cutting it makes me so sad. I just want to hug them and tell them they dont need a blade. Im willing to listen. I wont judge you, I promise. Ive told you this before, even though you dont know it was me, I think your scars make you beautiful.

You-You need some major help. Eating disorder, cutting, drugs, abuse. Its not healthy. You truly believe the blade brings you ultimate happiness and thats completly twisted. You dont even know that I know these things.

You-Your decisions are getting more stupid every time you make one.

Blah, im done here I guess
This world is so effed up
If 2012 is real, we deserve it
Hey aliens, have I given you enough info? Have I done a good enough job screwing up?

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