Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Im sorry just isnt enough this time.

I didn't get a chance to write last night.
I didn't really have anything to say anyways.
But here goes my lame attempt at something.
I'm really trying.
I'm trying to be happy.
To make things the way they used to.
And every time I think I'm getting there,
I get told I'm not.
Nice to know I've failed you too.

Oh and you sicken me.
I know its wrong.
But you do.
Just stop.
I'm glad everyone else thinks its cute,
I find it disgusting.
So, go ahead I cant stop you from saying it.
But I refuse to hear any of it anymore.

Tomorrow is 10/14/09.
Some may know what that is.
Its six months.
And I'm scared as freaking balls.
I honestly don't want to go to school tomorrow.
Yeah, horrible.
I don't see the point in celebrating such things.
Just love each other.
That's enough for me.
But then again,
I'm a crappy girlfriend.
So wtf would I know, right?

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