Thursday, October 15, 2009

Jane Doe, I dont think I know you but I know, fersho, that you are beautiful

I cant wait until Christofer Drew posts that song.
Its one of my all time favorites.

Tomorrow is breast cancer awareness day er something.
So we have to wear something pink.
I'm wearing my pink skinnies
And my red Pokemon shirt.
My mother says they don't match,
But screw it.

I had some much crap to do last night.
I'm really not doing to well at this whole "high school" thing

You know the power rangers?
They are my heroes.
Not the new age ones with wings and shit
I'm talking old school
Those were the good old days
I always wanted to be the blue one.

I may have been blushing beyond belief
But the roses made me feel special,
Feel wanted
Thank you.

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